B.Lee taught me a new useful term to put on my work self evaluation 'V.L.E'. Let me use an example to illustrate the beauty of this term. Today I stuffed 900 envelopes for a neighbourhood mail-out. Of course I was fully prepared for the paper cuts and black fingers as we were taught how to do mail-outs as part of our degree ('communications'). Our enveloping machine at work wasn't designed to envelope a 20 page document and a flyer into an A4 envelope. It is, however, absolutely *brilliant* at folding, enveloping and sealing 2 single A4 pages into a standard envelope, but anything more than 2 pages is too 'difficult'. So stupid! And tomorrow i have to restuff the same envelopes with individual covering letters and label and seal them. Double handling? Waste of time? No! I merely put it down as another day of Valuable Learning Experiences (VLE)....
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