Funky Popping Action
Break it down, Clintos Style. For clinton's bday a whole bunch of us funksters went to Sydney Dance Company for their Funk Class. We were hoping the teacher would be Robyn Laou of 'Girlfriend' fame (a one hit wonder girl group in the 90s) but instead we got Yolanda Thomas, who was great. Except we were in elementary instead of beginners, but we managed to keep up with all the 'hard-core' dancing girls in the front of the class (hogging the mirrors!). The routine we learnt was to Thicke's 'Get you Alone' which isnt the greatest song, but the routine was pretty good and we have it on video - if clinto can be bothered we might put it up on the website. Anyhow learnt alot of cool moves for the next dance party we attend. Will be 'popping' and 'stevie wondering' it on the dance floor...haha

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