March 15, 2004

Good Morning Loyal Blog-voyeurs.

It�s another calm and sleepy Monday morning here, so I thought I�d do a quick blog entry.

This weekend I went down to Canberra for our annual Canberra Festival DB Races. Usually it�s a lot of fun racing and partying hard afterwards, but this year it was subdued because of the location at the Carotel Motel. This is the infamous motel where Tony and Gavin were kicked out about 3 years ago and consequently our team was banned from that motel for life. Except that our team name has now changed and the alternative motel we used to stay at was demolished. So we were back partying at the Carotel and promptly got told off at like 10.30pm for our high spirits! Which led to little breakaway parties and hushed drinking games behind closed doors, not really the excitement I was looking for or expecting so I chucked the towel in and called it a night and went to bed early. Ordinarily I don�t think the motel would get a lot of customers since it is highly dodgy and probably just worthy of a 2 star rating, but as the races are part of the Canberra Long weekend and it was packed! Personally I think Canberra Day is a scam. What�s to celebrate about being in Canberra? Where has our Sydney Day public holiday gone eh?! But I digress.

Anyhow the important thing is that we won the Mixed Finals and came third in the Opens (mens) final (I had to change sex for one race). And aside from all my other usual whinging, my BIGGEST whinge of the weekend was that Jpeg missed all my finals because he was �stranded� in Fyshwick by HT (who was driving the car) was too engrossed to leave the warehouses. Not. Happy. Jan.

Another thing I noticed about Canberra is how different it is from Sydney. Mars highlighted this to me when she said �I feel like I�m at home. Everyone is a Bogan - no one dresses up!�. I told her that everyone was also white and they were looking at us because we were look like we�re a big group of Asians tourists. But she was right - I had no qualms about going to dinner in my yoga pants or walking through the shopping centre in my paddling gear, which in Sydney would have warranted unapproving comments from people like myself! (They're such westies! heehehee)

Okay so it wasn't really that quick...

Blog out.


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