i wanna be a supermodel
So for my bday my mum got me a photo session with starshots http://www.starshots.com.au/. Um. thanks! There's some interesting photos in their gallery.
So now i've got to fill out this form about what kind of look i want -
Do i want fashion/sexy/romantic/glamour? um maybe
Do I want headshot/fullbody/three-quarters? dunno
If i want to do a nude shot then i should make sure i've waxed/shaved/plucked and self tanned before i go. hmmm.. so many choices :P
I guess it would be fun if there were a few of friends together (err no, i'm not going to be doing any nude shots just to clarify)...but i'm going by myself. It's not for another month - and no, i'm probably not going to post them on the blog, or get the WALL sized one to put up in my living room (coz that would be GREAT.not) but i'll probably tell you all about my 'pampering experience' as the eager woman told me on the phone "you'll just LURVE it!". ha. I'll probably get the wallet sized one for my mum so she can send it to my honkie relos. They are sick for that kind of stuff! I think I will show the starshots people some pictures of famous honkie stars and tell them "yes i want to look like that" and point to Zhang Zi Yi in 'house of flying daggers' and Maggie Cheung in 'In the mood for love'. yeah. i might have to photoshop it and add Takeshi Kanshiro in the picture.
So now i've got to fill out this form about what kind of look i want -
Do i want fashion/sexy/romantic/glamour? um maybe
Do I want headshot/fullbody/three-quarters? dunno
If i want to do a nude shot then i should make sure i've waxed/shaved/plucked and self tanned before i go. hmmm.. so many choices :P
I guess it would be fun if there were a few of friends together (err no, i'm not going to be doing any nude shots just to clarify)...but i'm going by myself. It's not for another month - and no, i'm probably not going to post them on the blog, or get the WALL sized one to put up in my living room (coz that would be GREAT.not) but i'll probably tell you all about my 'pampering experience' as the eager woman told me on the phone "you'll just LURVE it!". ha. I'll probably get the wallet sized one for my mum so she can send it to my honkie relos. They are sick for that kind of stuff! I think I will show the starshots people some pictures of famous honkie stars and tell them "yes i want to look like that" and point to Zhang Zi Yi in 'house of flying daggers' and Maggie Cheung in 'In the mood for love'. yeah. i might have to photoshop it and add Takeshi Kanshiro in the picture.
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