April 15, 2004

I recall a time I used to write long lists of things I wanted to accomplish � crafty projects and the like. Well they all got canned for a while since I started dragonboat training for 14 hours a week. BUT � we�ve been given 2 whole weeks of non-dragonboat time! Yay! So much free time! What to do! My face lights up just thinking about it. (oh so sad) Well, last night I cleaned my room � it looked like a suitcase had exploded in there. My mum was just waiting for it to be declared a National Disaster Area! So that�s the first priority � cleaning my room so that it almost looks half as neat at Sylviososos� . Do I have neat freak envy or what?! Maybe I can bribe her to come and clean my place for me�hmmm.

My next project is painting. I�ve been planning and thinking about this for more than a year now, so I finally took the first step last night and sketched out some flowers. I was surprised at how easy they were to sketch, but I�m abit scared because I have never painted on canvas before and I�m unsure of how it will turn out, think it will be a great learning process. I�m going to start small and work my way up to a BIG BIG canvas to fill jpeg�s living room. Do you think he will like bright pink frangis? Kekeke!

I�ve finally going to schedule in all my girlie things � facial, haircut, pedicure! I know it sounds funny, but I�ve seriously been neglecting myself! All the dirty water I paddle in has made my skin all blotchy and dry and I�m usually so tired and hungry after training that I couldn�t give a quokka�s arse about moisturising or plucking eyebrow hairs. So I�ve been feeling really butch and unkempt and totally unfeminine and it reached a peak in Perth when I pulled out my clothes to wear and realised they were all cargo/military/butch, except for the pink things! I was developing abit of a complex so much so that I�m now on a �girly� streak, am going to attempt to frou frou my wardrobe up go all pretty and feminine, just to prove that I can paddle hard and scrub up as well! Hopefully I will not be turning into Asian Barbie :p

I�m going to lunch time yoga class today for the first time, will give you an update on it later. It�s abit weird, a whole bunch of guys are going too, which is good that it�s unisex, but not sure if I want my work colleagues watching me do the down dog! Woof!


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