*Where is the love*
Finally, after MONTHS of speculation...official officialness from the blog itself
Congratulations green trackies! Go the urban tongue action!
Finally, after MONTHS of speculation...official officialness from the blog itself

Congratulations green trackies! Go the urban tongue action!
That certainly is news!! And what BIG news to promote it with a very BIG incriminating photo! Good job ! Hehehe....congrats Sharon and Clinton. I think we owe you big time, Sharon, no more crappy Clinton, no wonder he's been soooooo happy!
Like that little small note on Clinto's blog, the last sentence, "...gf waiting.." Awwwww, I betcha he couldn't wait to say it ;)
yousse all are spaztic-isms but nevertheless gfs (good friends spaztics)... look up 'gf' in the dictionary and you will find a multitude of definitions espesh if u read the clinto-xford edition... ;P happiness or uncrabbiness can or cannot be attributed to many a factor... namely not having to edit, being able to walk and of course the DETROIT PISTONS winning game 2 with the best block i've seen in years - GO TAY TAY TAY!!! and here i thought no one read my blog... ;P
Yeah whatever clintos....lemme give you the big ELBOW.
This is very funny! This is a prime example of how to use the posting function for a purpose erring on the evil side. Tomorrow is FRIDAY! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like I'm in Braveheart because I'm on the break of FREEEEEEEDOOOOMMMMMM!
I mean brink as opposed to break
Hmmm....ONE WHOLE YEAR is it?
waaah laaaaaau! ;p
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