I'm always looking to find products that contribute to a more sustainable existance. However, there are certain "luxuries" (when you get charged GST - it's a luxury item people!) that I cannot live without...friggen tampons and pads. When I was at my all girls' high school, the amount of waste generated from feminine 'hygenine' products was...well not so hygenic. In fact they had to get the bins emptied out almost every week. So to imagine the amount of waste (and money) that is generated in this world by women bleeding everywhere - in the US alone apparently there are twelve billion pads and 7 million tampons to landfill each year! It's enough to make you wonder if there are any alternatives... and now someone had come up with a more sustainable solution. The Pleasure Puss Pad!

The website says that "The menstrual cloth pads incorporate the features of disposable pads that you need within a comfortable, body friendly and environmentally kind cloth pad alternative." The only difference being you don't throw away the pads - you have to carry your dirty pads around with you all day until you get home and soak them in water and wash and dry them afterwards (something I would look forward to after a hard day of bleeding). And if you're super environmentally friendly you would recycle the water you used to soak your pads in like this lady's testimonial below.
"I've just ordered 3 more 'pleasure pusses". The first order did infact arrive just in time. Most of the time I forgot that I was wearing them, they are very comfortable and not irritating to the skin like disposables. I used the plain soaking water, to water my pot plants. Thanks for you brilliant product"
BRILLIANT! Not only are you saving more space for other landfill, you're also recycling water too! The hard questions are..should i get the love hearts or the burberry tartan? I wonder if they will make re-useable tampons!
I'm always looking to find products that contribute to a more sustainable existance. However, there are certain "luxuries" (when you get charged GST - it's a luxury item people!) that I cannot live without...friggen tampons and pads. When I was at my all girls' high school, the amount of waste generated from feminine 'hygenine' products was...well not so hygenic. In fact they had to get the bins emptied out almost every week. So to imagine the amount of waste (and money) that is generated in this world by women bleeding everywhere - in the US alone apparently there are twelve billion pads and 7 million tampons to landfill each year! It's enough to make you wonder if there are any alternatives... and now someone had come up with a more sustainable solution. The Pleasure Puss Pad!

The website says that "The menstrual cloth pads incorporate the features of disposable pads that you need within a comfortable, body friendly and environmentally kind cloth pad alternative." The only difference being you don't throw away the pads - you have to carry your dirty pads around with you all day until you get home and soak them in water and wash and dry them afterwards (something I would look forward to after a hard day of bleeding). And if you're super environmentally friendly you would recycle the water you used to soak your pads in like this lady's testimonial below.
"I've just ordered 3 more 'pleasure pusses". The first order did infact arrive just in time. Most of the time I forgot that I was wearing them, they are very comfortable and not irritating to the skin like disposables. I used the plain soaking water, to water my pot plants. Thanks for you brilliant product"
BRILLIANT! Not only are you saving more space for other landfill, you're also recycling water too! The hard questions are..should i get the love hearts or the burberry tartan? I wonder if they will make re-useable tampons!
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew YUK!
Health standards in a modernised country similar to those in a third world country...
That really really can't be hygenic...
*disgusted* Syl
OMG! This is sooo funny! They're also just the right size to hold a mobile phone. So when its not that time of the month, you can wrap your mobile in the hygenically clean pussy pad! (just what you want - wrap something you press against your face in something you press against your ...)
haha this is awesome. Love the pics. Always great to get an insight into the wonderful world that women exist in.
Thank god I'm male :P.
PS. I vote for tartan :)
question.. can you get it in dusty pink??? was it dusty? doh I can't remember...
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