Title: It's official - Tony Chan is a hongkie! Scene of photo crime: Some dodgy ex-pat pick-up bar in Lan Kwai Fong in HongKong Date: Sometime in mid-November 2004
No it wasn't Fongs! It was that dodgy one up the road where all the Chow Ang Mohs try to pick up little skanky hongkie hoes (i never knew they existed!).
Didn't you know the literal translation of "sun fun jing" is "I am hongkie"..teehee!
BTW I heard you met my friend Evelyn Lee! Woo! Can you tell her about my blog and send her my link!
No it wasn't Fongs! It was that dodgy one up the road where all the Chow Ang Mohs try to pick up little skanky hongkie hoes (i never knew they existed!).
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