push it real good.

ROAD TRIP! Early sat morning the 'fantastic four' squeezed into kittykat's golf filled with paddles, pillows, hangovers, and gossip and made our way down the coast to Ulladulla (must be pronounced in most ocka accent 'ullaahh dullahh') for the Mollymook OC regatta. A quick pitstop to Berry for pies and cherries and we were on our way. The sun was shining, the island music was pumping, and we were all chilling out waiting for our long course race, when the weather turned.
Gray skies, strong head winds and wild waves meant the Long course became the short course race. Mel saw a sea turtle at the start line - i was too busy getting into 'the zone' and missed it AGAIN! damnit! She always spots the turtles. All i saw was a dead bunny washed up on the beach. But i digress. Anyhow it turned out to be one of the most exciting races I've been in! Yeeehawww... we hit big seas and surfed super steep waves (Red Ginger was almost submerged in seat 1 - I was in seat 2 so i guess we were slightly front heavy - which means for faster surfing! :P)
We managed to push past Cronulla (who beat us in the last race, they are unofficially referred to as 'the scary girls' because they are big and scary!) and chased after the super masters team from Northern Beaches. We had abit of a ramming collision on the final turn and abit of biffo which is always fun! And we narrowly hit and missed a submerged rock near the final bend. In the end, Cronulla came from behind and beat us in teh last 1 km! agh! So we came second but it was still a bloody great race!
After the weekend we decided that:
1. We should have come to Mollymook instead of Molokai for big waves!
2. We need to hit the gym and start getting stronger if we are going to beat the scary girls from Cronulla
3. The pies from Rainbow Cafe in Milton KICK the gravy out of Berry Bakery pies (oh yeaaaaah)
4. Cheap drinks at the Marlin Hotel (in Ulladulla) are gooood.
5. Pashing in drainage reserves and waking up with hickeys are a great start to the partying/paddling season...
...can't wait til the next regatta!

PS. Craft Update
- scarves and pressies have been sent and delivered. Yay for those who are in the UK. (above are the wrapped packages with Hinano beer (tahitian) girl gift tags!
- gingerbread house action might be happening this week.
- KK and tree of hope pressies are wrapped and ready to go! *shhh!! i'm not telling who*
- haven't started other xmas shopping yet!!! eeeek!
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