CNY Race 2006

Red Ginger and I decided that it would be fun to help out our ‘Nagas’ for our favourite DB race of the season – the Chinese New Year races at Darling Harbour. There’s something about Darling Harbour that’s special – I think packing everyone into a small venue create an awesome atmosphere, plus it’s a great social event – saying hi to all your friends who come on down for a cheer! (better than trekking to Penrith to see a race) Our team did good for a ‘newbie’ team, who are up against some tough competition! Unfortunately, no prizes - but they came away with some good race experience I think. Red Ginger and I were happy give it our all for 1 minute x 6 races. And we both agreed that we missed the racing, but not the training. Ha-ha! Afterwards we joined the PDs who were crashing the ACCA party. They know how to crash a party – just bring in the cowgirls with waterpistols & one gay cowboy (more mardi gras than brokeback mountain methinks!).
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