September 08, 2005

Lastest food obsession

I was going to blog about the mussels at Heritage Belgian Beer Cafe that we ate at last night, usually they are really good and satisfying, but last night they were really disappointing- bloody thumbnail sized mussels...all shell and no meat. So instead i take the opportunity to bring you Jpeg's current food obsession. It's that tasty combination of crunchy shortbread biscuit, caramel and chocolate coating called the Twix bar. For the last month or so has been eating them daily. He is addicted to them and has 'forced' me to join in his addiction - particularly the GIANT sized Twix. Luckily I only see him a few times a week, because unlike him - my metabolism wouldn't let me forget that i'd eaten them!

So anyhow last night I offered a Twix to Jpeg before dinner with the basketball girls. He ate half and left the remaining golden packet on the dinner table - everyone started gasping "Are you eating twix before dinner?!" aghast at the thought of eating chocolate before a meal. To which jpeg replied "i know you want some - come on, just have a bit". Jen then asked me to remove the offending twix packet as it was 'talking to her'. Instead I grabbed the packet and started shaking it around, making it dance and talk with a cartoon voice 'eat me now jen, you know you WANT me...i won't ruin your appetite!'. Everyone else just stared at me. Like I was incapable of such tomfoolery. Ha! People forgot I have a 13 year old brother - they do stupid things like that constantly.

I might point out that Jen did indeed eat the rest of the Twix.

PS. Last night I also won a bet that involved knowing that Keira Knightley was Natalie Portman's decoy in the First Star wars movie. Can you believe - Star Wars Trivia. I guess I can thank Clinton for that one...urrrrrrrrb.


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