Yeah got my glamour shots back.
Favourite comments back so far
1. 'you look CHINESE!!'. Yes, that's because I AM.
2. 'They're great but they don't look like YOU' . Thanks...i think.
3. 'You look really hongkie'. Ok.
4. 'Is that your gold glo mesh top'. AS IF. But i do have a glo mesh handbag..it's almost the same size as the top. ha.
5. 'How much did they cost and how much did they airbrush'. ALOT.
Anyhow, the rest are here
er laughing at Jason of course :p
what can I say?? WOW!
you look like all those honkie starlets I see in dodgy karaoke videos when people are singing chinese songs.. hehehehehe
and personally I think it makes you look Korean, but what would I know??? :p
Jaysun, I saved the half naked shots for your private collection ;-p I'll email them to you.
Wah Lau!! Got post up at the KTV joint in Chinatown??
yeah thanks tony. i learnt all my favourite poses off you! ha ha.
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