May 03, 2006

Banff Film Fest

Last night I went to the Banff Film Festival at The Metro I think it was the ‘world tour’ short list of short films on different adventure sports based in the mountains – mountain biking, rock climbing, kayaking, skiing, snow boarding etc…which sounds fun, except they were all ‘totally extreme man!’ (insert gnarly Californian accent).

So instead of just going heli-skiing, the ‘extreme’ version is to get dumped by a chopper and ski down a pristine slope which happens to be a sliver of snow on the edge of a vertical drop cliff, and launch themselves into a B.A.S.E jump off the side off the cliff. I was in awe, but I was not inspired. I get enough of an adrenalin rush from a 2metre swell. haha.

The most extreme activity I will be doing this weekend is renovating Voodoo’s room. I wonder how many ways I can make painting a ceiling ‘Extreme!’…


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