I'm luvin it!
Yes - this is our little fan club for the JT concert last wednesday. It was really alot better than I expected he was an impressive performer and not quite so N*sync style - very less 'dirty pop!' and alot cooler than I thought on that white boy scale "play that funky music white boy" - his beat box was awesome! Just like the newspaper reviews were saying - not quite what the teenagers were hoping for but alot more rewarding for the older fans! yes me! an older fan *sigh*. Thankfully, clintos, shazza, jpeg and I enjoyed the spectacle in the comfort of our seats unlike the others who had to stand for 3 hours on their feet next screaming 16 y.o girls (though I know Wayne enjoyed every minute!).
Anyhow have missed training for 5 days now and am feeling the deterioration of my muscles and fitness - I hate being sick! aghh my throat is all swollen and itchy! And i'm so cold! While the Australian team get to go to Sabah to enjoy the sun! Luckily all i had to do at work today was colour in maps :p no really - i generated census data maps and got to choose pretty colours (yes one of them was pink...) I"m so not predictable. maybe. no. yes. *you're very near you know* hehehehh (shout out to elainers!)

Yes - this is our little fan club for the JT concert last wednesday. It was really alot better than I expected he was an impressive performer and not quite so N*sync style - very less 'dirty pop!' and alot cooler than I thought on that white boy scale "play that funky music white boy" - his beat box was awesome! Just like the newspaper reviews were saying - not quite what the teenagers were hoping for but alot more rewarding for the older fans! yes me! an older fan *sigh*. Thankfully, clintos, shazza, jpeg and I enjoyed the spectacle in the comfort of our seats unlike the others who had to stand for 3 hours on their feet next screaming 16 y.o girls (though I know Wayne enjoyed every minute!).
Anyhow have missed training for 5 days now and am feeling the deterioration of my muscles and fitness - I hate being sick! aghh my throat is all swollen and itchy! And i'm so cold! While the Australian team get to go to Sabah to enjoy the sun! Luckily all i had to do at work today was colour in maps :p no really - i generated census data maps and got to choose pretty colours (yes one of them was pink...) I"m so not predictable. maybe. no. yes. *you're very near you know* hehehehh (shout out to elainers!)
JT??? oh boy...
*shakes head in disgust*
*rolls eyes in disgust too*
*wishes he was there to see the screaming 16yr-old girls ;)*
*but really wouldn't have been caught dead there :P*
oh boy..
am not! wait.. am not! but actually i.. so noT! :p bleaaah you're damn close!
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