April 30, 2007


On Saturday I got to play substitute Adventure Racer for Lady Malia in the 'Flipside Wahines' team - we went up north to East Lake Macquarie and attempted the final AROC adventure race . I say 'attempted' because we didn't actually finish it, but after 4 hours I thought it was still a pretty good effort. (the cut off time was 6 hours) we cut the race short and headed straight to the finish line to hang out and pretend we finished with all the more experienced racers hehe! The race consisted of 9km on foot, 20km on your mountain bike and 3.5km kayaking. We never got to the kayaking bit, but the mountain biking was great - caked in mud the whole way, and the coastal leg required us to jump and swim fully geared into the ocean, rock pools and scramble up rocks to get out. I ended up with some great bruises but not nearly as bad as Voodoo who did a great stack on her bike that i witnessed infront of me. I also stacked it off my bike and off one of the rocks trying to get out of the ocean!

We didn't have any time to take pictures, but there are definately a few of me and mel at the race briefing - links to come later. Thanks to Mel and Maureen for making my first adventure race so much fun!

See you at the World Champs in...Penrith

Hello - good news is that I made it into the Australian DB Team for the World Championships this year, which will be held at Penrith in Sept. So I'm hoping to see all of you Sydney based people there to cheer us on when we win our medals!!!

Err...gotta get through 4 months of hard slog training though! At least it will mean I will tone up and lose some of this 'good living' gut!

Congrats to all my peeps who made it in!

April 16, 2007

Sydney Easter Show 07

Hello..sorry for no updates, been busy racing and relaxing. Thanks to those of you who left comments on last post - I'm feeling the LOVE and spreading it around :)

On Good Friday I went to the Easter Show with some friends - I haven't been to The Show in a long time. I think i've only been once since they moved to the homebush show ground. It was a great day - so much to see and do and eat (cheese on a stick? fairy floss? german sausages? waffles? oh the decisions!). We started at 9am and didnt leave until 11pm coz we also watched the Rugby League Game that was part of the ticket deal.

9AM: Cat Show - Shar wanted to see the cat show , we saw some burman kittens being judged and some had ridiculous faces on them...

10AM: Dog Show
We saw a dog obedience judging, and walked around the dog breeders stalls. Shar and I bought a super cool animal hair removing comb - i use it on my carpet to pick my own hair up haha.

10.30AM: Flower Show - I love Dahlias and succulents and they both happened to be on show the day we went!

11AM: Arts Show! - the cake decorating is always my favourite - check out giant sushi and love the kitschy old school decorating too.

12Pm: Xtreme Korruption! We saw Lady Cannonball and motor cross madness... fully sik bro.

1PM: Poultry. I loved the chickens for some strange reason...some of them were bizarre..These hens have gorgeous feathers that for some reason make me want to break out in that 'See My Vest' song sung by Mr. Burns from The Simpsons...hmmm....

2PM: Tiny Rina! The Smallest Belly Dancer....she was tiny but we couldnt take pictures of her. This is the Princess Popcorn out the front.

3PM: Wood Chopping Action - we watched the big men in white pants chop wood with big axes. They looked like real VB men....sooo manly with beer guts..

And after that I didn't take that many pictures (except for some reason alot of the chickens and then my batteries ran out ha ha) So that's it for my pics but the others have pics! We also went to buy show bags, checked out the farm animals - no ducklings down the slippery dip! what's up with THAT! we saw a whole bunch of piglets though! And then we watched the dogs vs rabbitohs game (dogs won by a mile much to Mars' dismay).