1. Last saturday the
Sydney Weekender program came down and filmed our club. I was in the canoe paddling with
Luke Ricketson in the middle of the harbour when we flipped. It was freeeeezing cold, with no thermal and I think it pushed my immune system just over the edge and into 'snotsville'. (BTW Channel 7 is screening the segment next sat at 5.30pm i think.)
2. Spent Monday and Tuesday in bed, reading books, watching DVDs (Match Point, Pride and Prejudice, Chocolat, and La Dolce Vita). Kept forgetting to watch Queer Eye at noon!
3. Housesitted Lady Malia's place on and off for the last two weeks - and on saturday night the girls came over to 'wear in' her sofa. KK bought this great hibiscus syrup that you throw into with the champers and it's like those tea flowers that open up and they make okay champers taste better!

4. This is Jpeg looking unimpressed by my hairstyling/tzushing efforts. I blame his bad bankstown haircut!

5. Even when visiting snot-ville, I managed to whip up some chocolate and chilli cupcakes and pink peppermint cupcakes for Rita's birthday! Alas no time to find a resonably priced
Tajine maybe if i went to Morocco and brought one back for her..haha. Throw a nice table cloth on the ugly beige 'work meetings' communal desk in our area and pop a open some pink champagne and it turns into a morning tea fit for a birthday celebration! I used the cookie press that Rita gave me for the icing swirls, but it's still not the right template for those lovely Mr. Whippy style swirls!
6. Watched ridiculous HongKong TV shows that require 'beautiful girls' to cook dishes in the kitchen that get tasted and rated by a panel of men - usually comedians who make smart and sometimes very fitting comments about their abilities to cook. It's no 'Hells Kitchen', but it's highly entertaining!
7. Only two weeks until Europe and Red Ginger and I are starting to get excited! Wardrobe options, presents, itineraries, guidebooks...excited but slightly stressed.