May 31, 2004

Harro! *sob* Goodbye!

Following the sad news that funky 'corvu idol' action host Duane Lawrence Wee (he even has his own STAMP) will be leaving our sunny shores for Shag-a-pore.
The first pic was at the recent Corvu end of season party - Clinto, Duane, Harmonie and Formerly Flava "it's costs money to film me" Jane...who henceforth shall be known as 'Alane-Jane'! (Feel that love!)

And the second pic was taken on one of the first nights when I got to know Duane abit better, over chocolate fondue, more precisely - during our self-imposed fondue eating contest. Shar is in the background looking on in amused disgust at the sheer volume of gorging that occurred. Clearly I took a shining to the boy who could stomach as much chocolate as me! hahaha!

the reason why i have these two pics is...because they are the only decent pics I have of Duane haha! I think most of the time he was too busy taking pics with his own camera!

So , I post these two pictures as my simple but heartfelt tribute to a new friend with so many talents! Our fun times were too short, dood! Make sure you stay in touch and I expect updates on your quest to spread the "harro good morning" craze! And man do you have good taste - those earrings are fant-ab-ulous!
�I got a pole in the basement��

As some of you may have already heard � I did a pole dancing lesson called �Polestars� last night at the Republic Bar in the city. And before you jump to any seedy conclusions � it was organised by a bunch of my friends and it is being promoted as a new form of exercise not unlike a dance class except with a pole� no really. Not seedy at all, except for rolling around on a dirty stained carpet in the bar. And to answer all your questions first up.

1. We didn�t learn to strip or any ping pong ball tricks
2. I have no intention of making a career out of my new pole dancing skills
3. There were no �spectators� except the other girls who were there for the class and i checked there were no two way mirrors
4. Yes a lot of them wore hotpants and knee high boots
5. No I didn�t get pole burn (but did get a few bruises)
6. And NO Clinton, the bruises were only on my feet.
7. It is highly unlikely (unless I am very drunk or you offer me an indecent proposal) that I will be doing pole dancing demos or fundraisers for any of you�

So the class started off with warm ups and some pep talking of our �lush� instructor (who apparently is a professional dance instructor and not a professional pole dancer � I was abit disappointed I was hoping to meet a real one) we spent 2 hours learning to mount, feel and twirl around the pole, which was actually quite hard � I have a new found respect for pole dancers (who would have thought?!). It�s very hard to look sexy and graceful whilst trying to stop yourself from sliding down the pole in a heap. Anyhow there wasn�t much grinding, it was more about techniques to twirl around the pole, it was quite fun but realistically I don�t see no point to learning these skills, unless of course�someone has a pole in their basement. Har!

May 30, 2004

Go the fat calipers!
Well after two weeks of gorging on food to celebrate my birthday and getting into the team - it's time. Yes 'The Diet' has officially started today. eeeeek!

The diet plan is actually more food than i'm eating now - but alot more healthier!

To commisserate the end of my bad eating ways, I had a truly awesome crab meal last night (hehe) at a malaysian restaurant in Lane Cove with the KS Bangers. Thanks for dinner - they even let me eat the claws...yummy sweet flesh *drool*!

Also just want to shout out to tray-see - Happy belated birthday and I hope your trip is going great and can't wait to hear your adventures from china!

BTW am outraged by Mercury 4. 4 white guys doing rnb covers! First they did "making it hard" and now it's bobby brown's classic "every lil' step". Do they think they are black? Do they think people will 'forget' about the originals which are maybe 10 years old (OMG just realised a decade is a long old am i that they are doing remakes of original songs i remember?! )

okay will shut up now :)

May 27, 2004

*BRRRRRR!!! It's cold in here...*

This is officially the coldest night this year. And lucky me - we had water training. Talk about crazy shit psycho stroke rating action!! "Overdrive" my ass.(that is the 'technical' term they use - in corvu team we call it 'psycho pace')

I have NEVER EVER been so out of time in my entire db career and so unable to keep up with stroke rate that I have to pull my paddle out of the water...until tonight. I was in seat two behind the 'speed girls' . I just refused to paddle in one set - there was no point - I wasnt even pulling water. To put it into perspective, race pace going full out sprint is probably around 80-something strokes a minute. Tonight we were doing 94strokes per minute. I could. not. keep. up.

Thankfully it turns out it was abit too high and that 80-something is just right. *phew*

Meanwhile, I am so so so thankful for thermal top, leggings, vest, rashie top, thermal socks. I just need a beanie to keep my ears warm...

BTW special shout out to Elainers *are you open?! * for many special spastik gifts :D

May 26, 2004

*Where is the love*

Finally, after MONTHS of speculation...official officialness from the blog itself

Congratulations green trackies! Go the urban tongue action!

May 23, 2004

As promised to Waynefur and Marshy, here is a review of a few of the birthday messages (to be exposed for all the world to see)...muahaha.

Scores were marked out of 5 for entertainment value (none of this sincerity crap)

'Dear Beck,
Much Respect,
Woman with nice deck,
New man semi-bleck,
Happy Birthday'

Author - Waynefur
Score: 3 out of 5 for semi-rhyming effort with one gratuitious breast reference (GBRs) bumped up to a 4.5 for comments on birthday blog entry and stellar hallmark ecard selection

"Dear Bex
What a trip it has been. It went a little something like this:
-you giving me a hug @bball training
-uni days @ the quad and vegi girl
-David Beckford (sic)
-Travis Lane and his arms
-You rolling over me in bed
-You flashing your tits etc"

Author: Marshy
Score: 4 out of 5 for trip down memory lane plus one GBR - even if you did get David's surname wrong! (it's BEDford)

"Hello Becky!
You are so sexy...
And I'm happy to be your matey...
And hope to eat your cakey too..
You look like Winnnie the Pooh...
Happy Birthday Babe and all the way to shangers"

Author: Le Chaddy
Score: 2 out of 5. Lost marks for saying I look like winne the pooh. WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING?!

"Urban Happy Birthday!"
Author: Clinto
Score: Half way urban - i am assuming there is another message in the other card...

'Fresh Bec! 26 The first of the downhill years...however, for asians, perhaps the cutoff is delayed as you are certainly in PRIME condition, not DECLINE!! Have a fabulous year, may we always meet on the beauty/food crossroads."

Author: Juicy Goh
Score: 4 - clearly lost marks for getting my age wrong (25 lah every year!)but redeemed herself with reference to our similar taste (and spending habits) towards food and beauty.

Winner will be announced pending results of 'other' birthday card....

May 21, 2004

Another 25th* Birthday Over!
Mucho gracias for all the love and gifts dear friends! Have been overwhelmed by too much love!

Here are some of the highlights of my day

0:01 Spent in Clinton�s �Editing Suite� serenaded on the phone by the one and only talents of Duane and Alan and who ever else that was � I suspect Flava Jane�Anyhow it was great way to start of my birthday � and fall asleep to! Haha!

9:00 MASSAGE! Mmmm�.

13:00 Lobster and Oysters in Pyrmont Park with Jpeg

20:00 Seeing De La Guarda theatrical acrobatic group � where my bra was unhooked by one of the performers as a birthday gift! Totally awesome show that felt like a big party!!

23:30 Phone call from darling Cazz in London who just snuck in before end of the birthday!

And in true form the celebrations will continue over to the weekend and until the end of the month! Haha!

Will be posting pics up for everyone�s visual pleasure soon (when my digital camera is fixed!)

* Last year I decided every birthday henceforth I shall be turning 25th�again.

May 20, 2004

Yes another year older!
Sadly at this very moment I am stuck in Clinton's Basement Harem hanging out on the F bed with Syl. The only difference being we are not editing! woohoo. But the reason I'm here is for a top secret mission which will be revealed later.

Tonight/last night Sylvia - hairstylist to the poor - helped highlight my hair. The result is v. similar to my $150 honkie stylist so for $20 it's like having $130 in my hand to spend.

Go the Gourmet Pokky - with strawberry seeds. The seediness is totally awesome...

May 16, 2004

Winners are Grinners!!!!

We are going to Shanghai BABY!! The results were post just now and all the corvu members have made it into the mens and womens national team!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Bring it on (plus 5 months of cold pain and misery training)!!!!
OMG! Just have to post - cannot believe La Toya is out of american idol and cute hawaiian girl is STILL in! I'm not usually an idol fan, but ever since our "corvu idol" have been quite impressed with the show's format. Am also impressed that finalists are neither white nor male...

May 15, 2004

Yeeehaw! Time trials are over! And no - I do not know the results, but i think I did well enough to scrape into the use worrying about it now - coz it's time to par-tay.

Have spent the last week carb loading! Can you believe it? apparently I haven't been eating enough carbs which is why my body was in protest mode the week before. So all this week I have been eating my heart out! Bananas, scones, bread, biscuits, rice. yummmmy! But after one week of gorging I put on an extra kilo! eeeek!

Anyhow have to go and eat more carbs now hahah - pancakes yum!!!

Good luck to my corvu boys - Jo-hann, Le Chaddy and Big Tez!! Go Hard Boys! I know you guys have trained so so so hard and all that work is going ot pay off!!


May 11, 2004

I'm lovin' it!

Do you like my new blog? And I didnt even have to do any work - blogger just upgraded relaunched and funky-fied their site so now I can have comments and funky templates without even trying! har har!

May 10, 2004

Only 5 days to go

Been abit stressed about the trials for Nationals. Missed two sessions last week because I was feeling sick and now I'm worried that I'm not strong enough or fit enough for trials. My star sign this week says that I have to stick to my goals and be a stayer and I'll achieve them - woo even the stars are backing me ;-p

Game time! HUH!

May 06, 2004


How do you tell if your boy's friends are missing him? (No I am not monopolising his time, he just chooses to spend it with me).

When they get up to pranksl ike this... click here here!

May 05, 2004

CorVu end of season party... This is a picture of the happy 'spew crew' before they spewed. The rest is spewing history.